I didn’t get much sleep, due to needing to use the commode lots, heart monitor, BP cuff, drip, and 2 very poorly patients in the bay, I “woke” about 06:30 feeling very tingly in my lips, I spoke to the nurse who thought it was going down but to monitor it. So I did, it wasn’t going down I was swelling again, so more IV Piriton, hydrocortisone, another drip and the heart monitor was to stay it was decided that I was not fit enough to go down to dermatology so they would come up to me!

Mumma and Pappa came in at 09:30 to take me for nothing, oh well they brought me more supplies.

I sent some more texts out to tell people I was staying in and some amazing friends text to see how I was, after seeing Facebook or that I had text them to say I was in.

Mumma and Pappa left and came back with lunch! Hospital food although improved is not designed for “Gemma’s fussy belly” Between Mumma and Pappa leaving, the very lovely Steve Church, “Mr C” popped into see me, which was lovely to see a friendly face. I was in the loo when he came, getting rid of some of the 5 litres I had consumed Monday!! He knew I was ill when I wasn’t allowed out for dancing. After he left I ate my very lovely ham salad courtesy of Mumma’s Cafe!! Then Debbie came up to see me in her lunch break, again another very welcomed friendly face., she left when her lunch break ended, which is when Mumma and Pappa had to leave too. After them Della came into see me, which was lovely, and scary as her 2 “little” children I used to tuck into bed are now all grown up and moved away! Mike from work popped in a fair few times as he was working in A&E, which was lovely.

I was yet again seen by the cardiologist who said she would not make a decision on my discharge until I had seen dermatologist. He came up to see me, and said it was an auto immune response to the trigger (Omeprazole) I remembered something similar happened to my Dad when he had an IVP with iodine, so I had numerous genetic blood tests.

Mumma and Pappa came back with more supplies…….. food and drink. They stayed for a good wee while until the lovely Jo turned up wit Chocolate!! Hmmmm Hmmmmm steroids and chocolate, none of these lasted!!

We then tried to bed down for the night, but what and eventful night it was to be!!

We had 2 new very poorly ladies, whose heart monitors I could not help but watch (occupational hazard!) the lady opposite (Ann) had COPD and AF so struggled to breathe the lady next to me was a dream, and Iris in the bed in the corner!! She had dementia and was a walker!

She was putting towels on our bed all through the night, due to heart monitor, and drip I couldn’t move far! So just let her do it. She kept calling me “Shirley” so I didn’t correct her!

But I woke about 3 am when she tried to get in bed with me. Ann, apologised for walking me with her nebuliser, but I told her not to worry Iris had tried getting in bed with “Shirley” too so it was OK. I gave her a packet of my Go Ahead biscuits for her tea, and told Iris if she was to keep me up all night clubbing to get me a cocktail! She came back with a hot chocolate when I asked what it was she said “No idea, they made it behind the bar!” Or her carer made it lol We all then tried to sleep!!